IVC - Collaboration
Collaborates effectively with colleagues on a wide range of tasks.
This year, my collaboration with colleagues focused on several content areas: AP Literature, ENG II common assessments, Graduation Standards, and ELA readiness and remediation.
This year, my collaboration with colleagues focused on several content areas: AP Literature, ENG II common assessments, Graduation Standards, and ELA readiness and remediation.
- The ENG II team (Burgmyer, Barry, Silva) met during summer curriculum work to develop common criteria for the Grade 10 common Midyear and Final Exam.
- The AP Literature team (Burgmyer, Chase, Silva) met during two Ed Camp sessions that I created and facilitated to review and 'unpack' the College Board's new curricular materials, new rubrics, and new exam structure. We also engaged in calibrating our application of the new writing rubrics, using student samples from each of our classes.
- The ENG II team (Burgmyer, Barry, Silva) met during an Ed Camp session to finalize common criteria and specific test items for the Grade 10 common Midyear and Final Exam.
- The Standards Committee met regularly during the 2021-2022 school year to collaborate on a review of the current standards and to build a set of recommendations moving forward.
- The 2021 Summer ELA Academy team collaborated virtually and then worked in tandem during the entire program's run.
The Summer ELA Academy, for which I served as Coordinator, was a collaboration between four ELA teachers and one Reading Specialist to create a summer curriculum for incoming Grade 9 students, with the objective of building foundational skills and readiness for high school ELA instruction. To the RIGHT is a page from my proposal presentation, which I made to the Principal and district Curriculum Coordinator. |
To the left is a page from the work-product of the ENG II team - an item and skill-specific breakdown of the common exam criteria (midyear and final). Attached below is the full file. [**MODELING NOTE: Created and facilitated two EdCamp sessions specifically for collaboration.]
In the 2021-2022 year, I served as Chair of the Standards Committee, which reviews and revises the school's graduation requirements, course of study, and credit system. To the RIGHT, I have attached the committee's final product - a list of priority areas and recommendations for administration. |