Evaluation Portfolio
Standard I
I-A Curriculum and Planning
I-B Assessment
I-C Analysis
Standard II
II-A Instruction
II-B Learning Environment
II-C Student Learning
II-D Cultural Proficiency
II-E Expectations
Standard III
III-A Engagement
III-B Collaboration
III-C Communication
Standard IV
IV-A Reflection
IV-B Professional Growth
IV-C Collaboration
IV-D Decision Making
IV-E Shared Responsibility
IV-F Professional Responsibilities
Standard IV - Professional Culture
Click on one of the sub-page links above to view how the various indicators of this standard have been met.
Standard I
I-A Curriculum and Planning
I-B Assessment
I-C Analysis
Standard II
II-A Instruction
II-B Learning Environment
II-C Student Learning
II-D Cultural Proficiency
II-E Expectations
Standard III
III-A Engagement
III-B Collaboration
III-C Communication
Standard IV
IV-A Reflection
IV-B Professional Growth
IV-C Collaboration
IV-D Decision Making
IV-E Shared Responsibility
IV-F Professional Responsibilities